Balkans rail vacation

Our most popular Balkans vacation takes you through seven countries by rail, keeping carbon emissions low but the experience highly scenic. Led by expert local guides throughout, you’ll sample everything from Serbian barbecue to Montenegrin beer, staying at locally owned guest houses.
Discover the Balkans by train Rich variety of regional cuisine Ljubljana Lake Bled Bled Castle Zagreb Plitvice National Park Sarajevo Tunnel Museum Eternal Flame Mostar Stari Most Dubrovnik Bay of Kotor Podgorica Belgrade Novi Sad Serbian BBQ Skopje See the sunrise from Mt. Vodno Heraclea Bitola Galicica National Park Ohrid Saint Naum Monastery Mavrovo National Park Pristina
US $3700ToUS $4240 excluding flights
16 Days
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia
Small group
More info
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
Single supplement available.
Mimimum age 16.
Up to US $200 off selected dates.
Late availability on these dates: 18 May, 01 Jun, 15 Jun
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Description of Balkans rail vacation


Price information

US $3700ToUS $4240 excluding flights
Prices based on 2 adults sharing.
Single supplement available.
Mimimum age 16.
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Travel guides

This Balkans travel guide focuses not only on the Balkan region but also, for the main part, on vacations that take you to more than one country here. ...
Escorted rail
“Everyone thinks they’re going to read War and Peace, but they won’t.” Liz Anderson, from our rail trip experts Sundowners Overland, knows better than...

Vacation information

Small group tour, ideal for solos & couples:
Small group travel is not large group travel scaled down. It is modelled on independent travel – but with the advantage of a group leader to take care of the itinerary, accommodation and tickets, and dealing with the language. It’s easy to tick off the big sights independently – but finding those one-off experiences, local festivals, traveling markets and secret viewpoints is almost impossible for someone without the insider knowledge gained from years in the field. Those with a two-week vacation, a small group tour will save valuable planning time.


6 Reviews of Balkans rail vacation

4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 08 Oct 2023 by

The vacation was well planned and excellent tour leader. Local trips interesting. Read full review

Reviewed on 26 Sep 2023 by

The vacation was well planned and excellent tour leader. Local trips interesting. Read full review

Reviewed on 20 Jun 2023 by

Exposure to new countries, cultures. Good overview exposure to history of the region. Some amazing scenery and interesting visits to historic cities. Read full review

Reviewed on 12 Jun 2023 by

Exposure to new countries, cultures. Good overview exposure to history of the region. Some amazing scenery and interesting visits to historic cities. Read full review

Reviewed on 01 Jun 2023 by

Seeing an area of the world, the Balkans, that I was curious about. Read full review

Reviewed on 27 Jun 2022 by

The most memorable or exciting part of your vacation? Discovering the scenery, beauty and history of the region. Read full review

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing we've worked to maximise the benefits of your vacation to local people and places, and minimise any negative impacts.


For the vast majority of this trip we will be traveling by public trains, which is great way of seeing the countries we are traveling through and allows us to cover a great amount of distance in just 16 days. One of the rail journeys we will take is famed to be amongst the most beautiful in Europe, as we ride the rails of the Bar to Belgrade line. We will also take one overnight train journey, so this will serve as both our transport and our accommodation. From the railway stations we will transfer to our hotels either on foot or occasional by taxi, so again we are trying to keep the amount of pollution we create to a minimum.

Through all the debate over the relative environmental merits of different forms of transport, it is generally accepted that rail travel is a lower carbon option than flying. Conscious of our impact on the environment, by opting to travel most journeys on public trains we are drastically reducing the reliance on privately chartered road transport within this trip. All travel has impacts, but we are confident this trip keeps those to a minimum. Train travel is also a great way to meet local people and get a more personal experience of travel in their country.

To further reduce the level of pollution within the urban centers, the sightseeing tours we operate are done on foot, which is also a great way of seeing all they have to offer first hand.

In addition to the above, we are continually looking for ways to improve and are proud to be ‘Responsible in everything we do’. Education is key and so all staff, Tour leaders and partnering suppliers are trained in responsible and sustainable tourism. At our UK Head Office, we continually strive towards a sustainable and planet-friendly working environment, including having solar panels installed and a company commitment to reducing our plastic usage. As well as this, we have valuable and longstanding partnerships with UK charities Toilet Twinning and Send a Cow, plus many smaller initiatives and projects around the world. We’re members of UK travel industry bodies Tourism Concern and AITO because we believe it’s important to share our knowledge and experience, as well as learn from other operators.

As a company we support Cool Earth. Protecting rainforest is one of the most effective actions to tackle climate breakdown. CoolEarth work with indigenous communities empowering them to conserve their forest; keeping CO2 locked in.


On this trip we will explore seven Balkan countries that were formerly part of Yugoslavia, many of which still aren’t a regular stop on the normal tourist trail. We will stay in locally owned small hotels and dine in local restaurants in each of the towns and cities we visit, as well as buying drinks and snacks for our train journeys in local shops and markets. We’re therefore helping to bring economic benefits to many different small businesses in these lesser visited areas, and you are getting to try the great variety of delicious food and drink that they have to offer.

We use a Macedonian Tour Leader and local guides on this trip who know the countries visited well and who will help to give us a unique insight into the history, customs and culture of this developing region and to allow you to get under the skin of the true Balkans. Our Tour Leaders are trained by us in the importance of responsible tourism with guidance given on how they can make a difference.

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