8 independent reviews for Madagascar vacations, The lost continent

Reviews for Madagascar vacations, The lost continent


review 21 Apr 2024

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

Seeing all the lemurs and chameleon and the rice fields.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Be prepared for some long days in car and some bumpy roads. All worth it!

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Supported local people with hotels and restaurants and hiring local guides everywhere.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Excellent trip with excellent groups. Very well organized.

review 14 Apr 2024

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

Seeing a new country with it's amazing scenery and wildlife.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Be aware the roads are terrible - and journeys of 350km can take 12 hours. I would try and ensure a 4 WD vehicle if possible.Be patience - things happen slowly - but it is worth it.Lots of early starts ....mainly because of the roads.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

I hope so - I defintely tried to ensure I spread my spending/tipping - we used local guides/drivers which was great!

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Great - but the long days traveling sucked!

review 29 Aug 2022

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

Seeing all the wildlife- lemurs in particular

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Described as 'full on' and it is... Take advantage if everything on offer - you never know when you will get another chance. Don't forget you rain mac for the rainforest section!!

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Locals rely on tourism, so yes. Any money will help develop local processes for conservation and there is a lot of local commitment to protecting Madagascar.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Excellent. Loved every minute.

review 6 Dec 2022

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

Visiting the rainforest with the local guide

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Be prepared for some strenuous walks

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes local people would benefit by being hired by the places we stayed and the guides and transport we used

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Brilliant - but this is in very large part because we had an excellent tour guide - Hary Raz. Hary was passionate, extreme knowledgeable and excellent with all the different personalities in the group. Hary made the trip.

review 9 Sep 2019

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

I thought the whole vacation was really good - I suppose being lucky enough to see so many varieties of Lemur was the real exciting part.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Be prepared - as you said it is Full On - traveling a lot requires comfy clothes and patience on the sometimes slow routes and bumps.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Unfortunately I did not feel that - the only place which we knew to have a direct imput was at the Voteta Bungalows where we saw traditional dancing and made our donations for the children. We had hoped to meet the children or visit the school. However, I definitely did not enjoy the dormitory/lack of personal facilities and along with some of the other single ladies thought that we could have done the trip during the day and had, say lunch, visited the school and seen the dancing without staying there. Some of us thought making a separate donation and staying in an hotel would have been much better. The couple were given a private facility but still had to venture outside for the toilet and shower which they did not enjoy.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

I absolutely thoroughly enjoyed the vacation. Claude was excellent as was Michel and his assistant ?Sewa? Claude's knowledge and passion for his country and its flora and fauna etc. was outstanding. All the local guides were excellent. And being only 6 on the trip we got to see things a larger group probably wouldn't have done. The journeys were easier with less people and shorter stops for conveniences etc. Some of the hotels were excellent and some just ok - but all made us welcome and they were clean and comfortable. The food was interesting and normally good. Lots of lovely fish at Anakao.

review 17 Sep 2019

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

Seeing all the different Lemurs and many other animals. Sleeping and surroundings at the hotel de la reine between all the rockformations.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Bring enough cash money with you as creditcard does not always work.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes it did, only about reducing environmental impacts not really sure.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?


review 3 Oct 2018

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

I enjoyed the whole tour so it is difficult to identify any one memorable part. Walking the different environments (rainforest, mountains, national parks) and getting close to the animals in their natural environment, for example lemurs, birds, frogs, stick insects and chameleons. Traveling on a zebu cart to embark on a boat to Safari Vezo Lodge at fisherman village Anakao.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Would help to know a bit of French to be better able to communicate with the local people more easierly. Most of the journeys are over long distances with some rough road so bring a cushion for extra padding to the seats. There can be some powercuts occasionally so bring a torch which you will probably need walking out in the evenings anyway. I found my walking stick essential to help with some of the terrain.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

We had opportunitites to engage with local people, rice farmers, cattle men and children and share items from our back packs/lunches such as sun cream, fresh water, food etc which was gratefully received. There were limited opportunities to shop in the local busy markets due to the tight timetable, but entrance fees for the national parks etc went directly towards maintaining the parks and monitoring the wildlife. Money/taxes also went to towards the upkeep of the local communities. There were opportunities to watch traditional crafts being made such as marketry and purchase items if wished. As not all meals were included in tour so money was spend in various places throughout Madgascar on lunches/dinners and snacks. Presumably this benefited people being employed by those various facilities.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Great experience. Great and thoughtful guide Heri. Experienced driver Henri and Gaetan ensured we arrived at our destinations safely with all our luggage intact.

review 19 Nov 2018

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

So many memorable and exciting experiences! Top of the list must be crashing through thick jungle to see the rare golden bamboo lemur and the greater bamboo lemur - at close quarters. And seeing the bizarre giraffe necked weevil! The guide at Ranamofana National Park (Theo) was quite outstanding - he could identify (and imitate) over 100 of the 120 species of bird. His local knowledge of the forest and it’s inhabitants was incredible, and meeting him will stay as one of the highlights of the trip. A close second is perching on the edge of a zebu cart heading into the water so we could board our boat to the beach hotel! The stay there was paradise after 10 days of non stop travel and activities. A wonderful way to unwind and reflect on what we’d seen and experienced. Another exciting day was in Isalo National Park - a wonderful natural swimming pool and a very hot but worthwhile trek to see Madagascar’s version of the Grand Canyon. The saphire town of Sakaraha was unexpected - the local river full of people, young and old, sieving the soil from the near sapphire mines - backbreaking work for a meagre pay. Meanwhile those who had made it rich drove around in large 4x4 vehicles...

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Come prepared to see some amazing wild and bird life - and insects! The deforestation is heartbreaking as is the poverty, but the people are friendly and inquisitive. A strong bartering tactic is needed when visiting Lake Tritriva - the local vendors are persistent! Be prepared for some very early starts and long days on the road. The roads are better than expected though, and the traffic light - apart from Tana! The accommodation was also much better than expected. It ranged from basic dormitory to some very comfortable hotels. My favourite place was Safari Vezo hotel on the beach at Anako, an hour by boat from the nearest town. No running water and electricity only available from 6 - 10pm, but who needs modern comforts when you are in such a location!

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

It benefited the locals in as far as they were being employed as guides, hotel staff and drivers. We did get some very interesting comments from a local guide about the real impact the National Parks have had on the local population, not as rosy as is made out, many promises broken or not fulfilled.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

Excellent. Our guide Hery was perfect, just the right mix of information on a daily basis, a sense of humour and the ability to be guide/accountant/doctor/personal shopper and general multi-tasker! Our group of 16 gelled well and we had many laughs together. I would though repeat past reviewers in commenting that it was quite cramped on the minibus (only one narrow overhead shelf for day bags, water etc) and a group of 10 would possibly have fared more comfortably on the long road journeys (sometimes 10-12 hours). Also the group of 16 had to be split into 2 groups for the National Park walks.

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