Last minute vacation vaccinations

When you’re rushing around tying up life plot holes before a last minute vacation, it’s easy to forget the vital basics – your own travel health. One of the best last minute vacation tips you can get is to check which vaccinations you need, and how far in advance of your travel you need to get the jab. If you want to go at the very last minute, for example, and aren’t already up to date with jabs, vaccination-free zones might be more practical. Here are our top destinations and their vaccination recommendations and malaria risk.


Country Minimum vaccinations /medication recommended *
India Diphtheria, Hepatitis A, Tetanus and Typhoid
Sub Saharan Africa Diphtheria, Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Tetanus. Malaria medication and Poliomyelitis in certain areas
China None. Check primary boosters (e.g. MMR) are up to date
Thailand None. Check primary boosters (e.g. MMR) are up to date
Morocco Hepatitis A and Tetanus
Myanmar (Burma) Diphtheria, Hepatitis A and Tetanus
Cambodia Hepatitis A and Tetanus
Ecuador Hepatitis A
Peru Hepatitis A and Tetanus
Vaccination Time needed before travel
Yellow fever 10 days
Hepatitis A 2 weeks is ideal but anytime okay
Tetanus Up to the day before
Typhoid Ideally, one month
Diphtheria Up to the day before

We update this table regularly, but you should always double-check with your doctor or Fit for Travel for the latest information on vaccinations.

Yellow fever

Yellow fever is a disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. It’s endemic in tropical areas of Africa and the Americas. Under regulations set out by the World Health Organisation (WHO), anyone traveling to a country or area with yellow fever prevalent must have an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP). Similarly, if you have travelled recently to one of these countries, you need to declare that on arrival in other countries, using your certificate. Swing by the WHO travel health website to see a current list of countries affected by Yellow Fever.

Our top trip

Portugal cycling vacations, self guided

Portugal cycling vacations, self guided

Tranquility cycling vacations

From 850 to1125 8 days ex flights
Tailor made:
This cycling vacation in Portugal can be arranged at any time to suit your requirements although we do not recommend trips in August due to high temperatures

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Responsible Travel, Travel Team
Written by Catherine Mack
Photo credits: [Page banner: Paxson Woelber] [Intro: Pete]